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The history of football is a sad voyage from beauty to duty.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006



posted by Trilby at 8:35 AM
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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Art Wolff

Art Wolff had the distinction of directing the pilot episode of Seinfeld- The Seinfeld Chronicles (Good News, Bad News)- the only time he would be so directly involved with the show. Having previously worked on such programmes as It's Gary Shandling's Show, The Wonder Years and Dear John, Wolff brought solid credentials to the role.

It is clear when watching this episode retrospectively that in certain respects it does not feel like a conventional Seinfeld show. The artistic and directorial blueprint had yet to be established, and there are obvious discordant notes in the editing, specifically the use of four Jerry interstitials instead of the usual two, that sets it apart from what would follow.

On a seperate note, the majority of filming for this first episode (and subsequently most of Season One) was carried out at Ren-Mar Studios in Hollywood, California, on the same stage that had been home to the Dick Van Dyke Show for so many years.

posted by Trilby at 1:43 PM
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Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Seinfeld Chronicles

Written by: Larry David & Jerry Seinfeld
Directed by: Art Wolff
Guest Stars: Pamela Brull (Laura)

Airdate: July 5th, 1989

Synopsis: Laura, a woman Jerry met during a trip to Lansing, has called to say she is coming to New York on business and might like to see him while she is in town. Although Jerry is convinced Laura is interested in romance, George disagrees, saying her non-committal attitude means she is only being polite. After hearing their argument, Claire, a waitress in their local coffee shop, agrees with George's assessment.

Jerry's neighbour Kessler offers to speak with Laura to find out her intentions, but Jerry declines, now thinking the whole thing has been a misunderstanding. However, as they are talking, Laura calls, wanting to know if she can stay with Jerry for the weekend. Hearing of this new development, George admits he must have been wrong about Laura.

Jerry arranges for George to give him a ride to the airport where the two meet Laura. Returning to his apartment, Jerry is intrigued when Laura asks to stay an extra day, wanting to spend it on a boat ride around Manhattan with him. Laura then receives a phone call from an anxious fiancee, prompting her to tell a disappointed Jerry never to get married.

Notes: The very first establishing shot used in Seinfeld is of a place called Pete's Luncheonette, which would be replaced by the famous Monk's Coffee Shop by the time the first series came to be filmed. Pete's Luncheonette was actually the diner owned by Pete in the The Muppets Take Manhattan. It is located in Manhattan, near Broadway, and boasts such fare as hamburgers, pancakes, egg malts and hominy grits. Yankee bean soup, with spoon, is apparently a popular special of the day.

The very first two-handed scene we see between Jerry and George (and the first words that are spoken by both characters in the show) is as follows:

JERRY: Seems to me, that button is in the worst possible spot. [talking about George's shirt] The second button literally makes or breaks the shirt, look at it: it's too high! It's in no-man's-land, you look like you live with your mother.

GEORGE: Are you through? [kind of irritated]

JERRY: You do of course try on, when you buy?

GEORGE: Yes, it was purple, I liked it, I don't actually recall considering the buttons.

JERRY: Oh, you don't recall?

GEORGE: [pretends he's talking into a microphone] Uh, no, not at this time.

JERRY: Well, senator, I just like to know, what you knew and when you knew it. [a waitress approaches the table]

It is a converation that will be returned to almost verbatim in the final scene of the very last episode.

The waitress that approaches the table is called Claire (played by Lee Garlington). She was initially intended to be the main female lead in the show but was replaced by the character of Elaine by the second episode.

The persona of George was vastly different in this episode to what had been initiatially intended in the script. The character was originally called Bennett and was a struggling fellow comedian, thereby making explicit the implied connection between the character on screen and that of writer Larry David. On a sperate note, it has been revealed that of the many actors who auditioned for the part of George in the show, one was Steve Buscemi. The mind boggles as to what direction he might have taken the role.

Summary: The mother of all Seinfelds, The Seinfeld Chronicles- apparently also known as Good News, Bad News- was a pilot originally not picked up. Seeing this episode now becomes a truly "Bizarro Jerry" experience for the Seinfeld lover. First of all, we get no Elaine here but some less interesting waitress, and a Kramer who's not quite the nutcase we've all come to know and sort of love. Directed by one Art Wolfe, this episode finds Jerry wondering about the intentions of a female out-of-town guest. For a show that was soon to change the world, this initial salvo feels a little conventional.

posted by Trilby at 8:28 AM
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The Journal

This blog is written by a thirtysomething man who awoke one day to a startling epiphany. If you spend thirty years of your life playing, watching, listening, reading and debating football, the chances are, football is all that you will know.

This is a blog about a thirtysomething man who awoke one day to a startling epiphany. If you spend thirty years of your life playing, watching, listening, reading and debating football, then chances are, football is all that you will know.

The Writer

This is a little bigger with the line-height adjusted to fit the style.

This blog is written by a thirtysomething man who awoke one day to a startling epiphany. If you spend thirty years of your life playing, watching, listening, reading and debating football, the chances are, football is all that you will know.


Art Wolff
The Seinfeld Chronicles


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